Friday, October 12, 2007

Only Child

It's been sometimes I didn't go out with my friends for movie and so. I have socialising problem. I don't have many friends. Is it because I am the only child at home?

People around me said that only child always have friends problem. But I don't see that happened to my other friends. I think it is just me. I have very low self esteem. And why would I not be one? I am not pretty, I am not smart, I am not out standing, and I don't even have an ambition. Yeah, if you asked me what would I be in the future, I do not have any idea. I just know my path is to take over my mum's business. And that's not my heart's desire either.

I do wish to have 1 sibling, to share a life with; on the other hand, I do not wish for any sibling because I do not want him/her to go through what I am going through now, the family, the gossips and peer pressure.

Anyway, there's always pros and cons. If I was to be a mother, I will want to have 2 kids. 2 lovely girls will be fantastic!

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